US Presidential Election Result: Joe Biden Wins the Race to the White House

The result of the most-awaited US Presidential election has been declared, in which Joe Biden wears the crown of victory. The 46th President of America, Joe Biden, emerged victorious  after more than three days of uncertainty. On the other hand, Donald Trump has refused to acknowledge the outcome of the election.  Officially, the final result is not yet out, but after crossing the marginal line of required votes, it becomes quite  clear that who is going to win the race to the White House.

What is the winning criterion in the US Presidential Election?

 In our previous article, we discussed that only counting of popular votes does not decide the winner in the US Presidential Election. A candidate can even win the election without receiving the most votes at the national level. To read more about the US Presidential Election click here. A system called the ‘Electoral College’ determines the winner of the election. A total of 538 electors from each state of America, along with its capital, Washington DC comprise the Electoral College.  More populous states hold  more electoral college votes than smaller ones. A candidate needs to win minimum 270 votes of the electoral college to win the election.

How is the result reported in the US?

An American nonprofit news agency named Associated Press (AP) declared Biden as the winner. AP can declare the winner before the 100% counting of votes. After confirming that the trailing candidate has no chances to regain and victory, it calls the winner in a state. Similarly, AP after having called Pennsylvania, declared Joe Biden winning over Trump.

Biden with the total of 290 votes including the 20 electoral votes crossed the marginal line that defines the victory of a candidate. Biden had also been leading in Georgia and Nevada, ensuring over 270 electoral votes.

Celebration of Joe Biden Victory:

When AP called for Pennsylvania, it declared the clear-cut winner of the presidential race. Biden secured more than the required 270 of 538 Electoral College votes and may add more votes to his account after the final counting. Mr. Biden, at the age of 77, will become the oldest candidate ever elected to the White House. He is a member of the Democratic Party. He also served as 47th Vice President for 8 years during the reign of former President, Barack Obama. Biden also served as the United States Senator from Delaware from 1973 to 2009.

He nominated Indian Native, Kamala Harris as Vice President and that is why Biden receives almost full support of Indo-American community. Kamala Harris will be the first woman to become elected as US Vice President as well as first Asian-American and African-American to hold the post. The victory of the  56-year-old senator from California represents the multiculturalism that defines America. The Democrats are celebrating their victory and congratulating each other. Despite the accusations made by Trump, the duo have started planning for Covid-19 economic recovery reforms.

Delay in the process of counting in the US Presidential Election:

The counting of votes, for the next president of the United States may take many days to conclude. Trump’s campaign has already filed numerous lawsuits against alleged fraudulent voting. Simultaneously, he is questioning the delay in declaring of the results. Some states remain uncalled for the victory of either Donald Trump or Joe Biden. The counting of these few states will officially determine the identity of the next president.

Americans and the world, feel the contest is taking an extraordinary amount of time to declared the result officially. The delay in this year’s election has been caused by the unusual conditions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. It appears that the whole dynamic world has come to a halt because of this virus. Similarly, this pandemic also affects the process of casting and counting of votes in the US. So, this slowness of the process should be considered as a consequence of these situations.

The reaction of Donald Trump on US Presidential Election 2020:

Former President, Donald Trump is still in denial about the election’s outcome and is ready to take legal actions against Biden’s projected win. Trump is continuously saying that the election is far from over. He will not rest until the citizens of America have the ‘honest vote count’ they deserve. Trump believes that he will easily win the presidency with legal votes cast and that’s why he is not able to digest the victory of Biden.

Trump accuses the system that ineligible votes were casted in the Las Vegas area. His campaign filed a new federal lawsuit against the same.  He also states that in any form, type, and way, observers are not allowed during the vote casting period, otherwise, it must be determined to be illegal votes. He claims that there was electoral fraud and his administration is hoping to convince the Supreme Court to intervene. However, Trump does not have any proof against the electoral fraud accusation.

The official transition of presidential powers:

New President-elect, Joe Biden’s campaign insisted the US General Services Administration to approve an official transition of Trump’s presidential powers. The agency’s appointed administrator, Emily Murphy, has not started the process and has given no guidance on when she would begin. But now, the pressure to cooperate in the smooth transferring of powers is increasing for Trump. This transition is necessary for Biden to stop the delay, as the new administration will take office in January 2021.

Effect of Joe Biden’s win on India:

Like Trump, who has widely believed to have a good relationship with India, Biden is likely to continue building a stronger bond with India. After the victory of Biden in the US Presidential Election 2020, analysts and experts suggest that the Indian trade market will poise to gain from Biden’s Presidency. The market researchers believe that Biden is a more proactive and less-dominant person, this will bring long-term certainty in the Indian stock market.

Another important factor is the anti-China notion, which can be turned in the favour of India. If Biden follows the same notion, then it might be helpful for India. There is a list of other common issues that can pave a way towards  smooth bilateral relations  between these two nations on which Biden will have to address. So, we can only predict the possibilities. Only time will tell us that what turn can events take.

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