Lately, cancellation of board exams has been one of the most trending news across India. CBSE has cancelled class 12 and 10 board exams and other state boards have also followed it considering the current pandemic situation. Recently, the state government of Karnataka has started the process of KCET 2021, that brings a hope for bright future among the students. The centre announced the cancellation of the class 12th board exams in order to safeguard student’s health amid the ongoing pandemic. Several states have cancelled the examinations while some states have postponed class 12th exams as they are waiting for the situation to get better.
Similarly, the Karnataka Government has decided to go ahead with the class 10 board exams and scheduled to conduct the exams in 3rd week of July. But the state government has cancelled class 12 board exams after the decision of cancellation taken by CBSE. Now, the Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) has started the registration process for Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) 2021 that will secure the seat for the students in different medical, engineering and other vocational courses.
After the announcement of cancellation of class 12th exams, some universities like DU, DBRAU, etc. are waiting for the CBSE class 12 results as these universities admit the students on the basis of cut-off-merit. Whereas, several universities have started their admission procedure to select the students for undergraduate courses. Similarly, Karnataka state government has also released the notification about the KCET 2021 on its official website. Students must check the official website to get the updated and authentic information regarding Karnataka CET.
What is KCET?
Karnataka Common Entrance Test (KCET) is an entrance examination that is conducted by Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) to admit students into first year of undergraduate courses. It determines the eligibility and merit of students for admission in different courses of engineering, technology, medical, dental, homeopathy, ayurveda, unani, naturopathy, yoga, architecture and agriculture streams. This is a common entrance test that helps the students to get admission in government universities as well as private unaided and private aided professional educational institutes of Karnataka.
The KCET was started in the year 1984 and since then every year more than 1 million students have been taking this exam. But last year the KEA observed less attendance of students as compared to the previous years because of the disruption caused by the pandemic. This year too, amid the ongoing crucial second wave of pandemic, Karnataka government had to postpone the CET exam but now with according to new notification it is scheduled to be organized on 28th and 29th August.
What is the Procedure of Registration in KCET 2021?
KCET 2021 Application Form is available from 15th June. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for it by visiting the official website Candidates are required to qualify this entrance test in order to get admission into various private or government institutions. As per the official notice the last date to apply for KCET 2021 is July 10. Applicants can pay the application fees for the exam till July 13, through online and offline mode. The authority will further release the admit cards for the same on August 13. The official body will conduct the exams in month of August at more than 500 centers across the state.
What are the Steps to Apply for KCET 2021?
Step 1: Visit the official website of KCET (
Step 2: Go to the homepage and click on UGCET-2021 Online Application link.
Step 3: After opening the link register yourself by filling all the required information.
Step 4: Then fill the application form and proceed to pay the required fee.
Step 5: Pay the application fee (online- net banking/credit card/debit card) and click on the submit option.
Note: Candidates can also opt for offline payment mode. For this they will have to download the e-challan and pay at the branches of the State Bank of India or ICICI Bank.
Since the Karnataka class 12 exams have been cancelled this year, Education Minister suggested that only the CET rank should be considered for college admissions. The state deputy chief minister had also said that among 6.5 lakh students, who will pass the class 12th exams this year, KCET rankings will be used to decide their seat allotments for dental, engineering, and medical colleges. The Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) assured the students that the centers where CET exam will be conducted will completely follow the precautionary guidelines of Covid-19.