The Indian Minister of Health and Family Welfare had announced the new date of NEET Postgraduate (PG) 2021 exam in a notice released on July 13. Earlier, the National Board of Examinations (NBE) had scheduled the examination of NEET PG on 18th April, but due to increasing cases of Covid 19, the NBE has postponed the exam for around 4 months. Now, as the cases are reducing and condition in the country is getting better, the NEET PG 2021 has been once again scheduled with the new exam date i.e. September 11.
Health Minister took twitter to announce this news and wished candidates a good luck for the upcoming exam. NBE will conduct NEET (PG) 2021 for admission to around 12690 seats of Master of Surgery (MS), 24306 seats of Doctor of Medicine (MD) and 922 seats of PG Diploma in around 6102 government, private, deemed/central universities. Moreover, the NBE will also re-open the portal for NEET PG 2021 registration and correction from August 16 to 20, 2021.
Updates About NEET PG
This Year NBEMS has increased the number of test cities to 260 and number of test centres to 800 across the country considering the pandemic situation. The NBE or NBEMS has assured the candidates that the NEET exam would be held keeping in mind all the Covid-19 precautions. Therefore, the board has released a list of safety guidelines for the centres.
All the candidates will be given face mask, a protective face shield and sanitizer sachets individually at test centres. The National Board of Examinations has asked different centres to ensure and to follow the COVID Appropriate Behaviour all times during the conduct of the exam. For detailed instructions regarding to COVID protocol, candidates are advised to refer to the NBEMS notice dated 09/04/2021.
Registration for NEET PG 2021
To apply for NEET PG 2021 exam, a candidate has to register himself/herself on the official website of NBE. The board had opened the portal for registration in NEET PG from February 23 to March 15 and the NBE had already closed the registration process for the same. But now, the board will re-open the official portal for registration and correction window from August 16 from 3 pm onwards and closed it on August 20. According to the earlier record of registration for NEET PG 2021, around 175063 applicants were registered for the entrance test.
Moreover, a recent notification states that the National Medical Commission (NMC) in its meeting that was held on May 24 has decided to extend the cut-off date for completion of the internship up to September 30. This step has been taken in keeping the eligibility criterion in view for NEET-PG 2021. So, students who are interested in taking NEET PG exam can register themselves if they are completing their internship during July 21 to September 30 and fulfill all the other eligibility criteria. Therefore, such aspirants will be allowed to choose the preferred state as their examination centre. Apart from this, candidates who had already registered themselves for the exam can also change their category and EWS status when the correction window will reopen.
Mode of the Exam
As per the updated notice, the mode of NEET PG 2021 exam paper will be online or Computer Based Test (CBT). The exam of PG NEET will be conducted in English language only.
Admit Cards for NEET Postgraduate Exam 2021
NEET PG Admit Card 2021 is a very important document as it allows the candidate to enter the exam centre. NBE will inform the candidates about the availability of admit cards through SMS/Email alerts and will also update the link on its official website. NBE will release the admit cards few days before the exam, and candidates are required to download their admit card from the official website. Candidates need to log in on the official site by filling the details to download the admit cards. The responsible authority will not send admit cards to the candidates by Post/Email.
Moreover, the board earlier had issued admit cards on April 13 for the exam scheduled for April 18. But, on July 13 in an official notice, NBE has announced that it will release fresh admit cards for NEET PG exam and the former admits cards that had been issued shall be treated as null and void.
Result for NEET PG Exam 2021
The National Board of Examinations in Medical Sciences (NBEMS) will upload the result of NEET PG 2021 online after few days of the exam. The NEET result 2021 will be released in a PDF format. Candidates can download their result/rank card or scorecard by logging into their registered account on the official website of NBE for future reference. Candidates can save the copy of the result in hardcopy for the counseling process.
NEET PG 2021 Syllabus
The Medical Council of India (MCI) issues the syllabus for PG NEET. It is important for the candidates to go through the updated syllabus of NEET PG 2021 so that they can prepare themselves according to it. NEET PG syllabus will give an idea about the topics that a candidate needs to prepare for the examination. Subjects covered in the syllabus of NEET PG 2021 are divided into three sections- Section A (Clinical), Section B (Pre-clinical), and Section C (Para-clinical) subjects. These three sections will contain questions from the topics such as Anatomy, Medicine Dermatology and Venereology, Biochemistry, Forensic medicine, Ophthalmology and more.
NEET PG 2021 Mock Test
NBE has released NEET PG 2021 mock test on its official website. The NEET PG mock test is one of the crucial steps of the whole preparation strategy that helps to improve practice and score well in the exam. After preparing for NEET PG syllabus, candidates must take mock tests before the final exam to take the stock of their preparation. Since the exam has been rescheduled to September 11, candidates now have enough time to practice the mock tests. It will give insight to the candidates for the actual exam.
NEET PG 2021 Exam Pattern
Medical graduates who have applied for the NEET PG 2021 exam can check the exam pattern to make a better planning for the preparation. This exam pattern contains information about the structure of exam, number of questions, marking scheme, duration and other details for the candidates. After knowing the exam pattern, candidates can easily and strategically prepare themselves for NEET PG exam 2021.
Unlike NEET PG 2020 where it contained 300 questions, this year the respective exam will contain 200 multiple choice questions. With the deduction in number of questions, the total marks in NEET PG 2021 have also been reduced from 1000 to 800. As per the latest marking scheme, 4 marks will be allotted for every correct answer while one mark will be deducted for every incorrect answer.
The National Eligibility Entrance Test (Postgraduate) or NEET-PG is a qualifying and ranking examination in India. Students who wish to study various postgraduate courses in medical sciences like Doctor of Medicine (MD), Master of Surgery (MS) and PG diploma courses, in government or private medical colleges of the country need to take the NEET PG. This exam was started from 2013 by replacing the All India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination (AIPGMEE). Where NTA conducts the exam of NEET UG on the other hand NEET PG is conducted by the National Board of Examinations (NBE). Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) takes care of the counseling and seat allotment through the exam.
National Board of Examinations (NBE)
The National Board of Examinations (NBE) is an autonomous body which was established in 1975 in New Delhi. It works under the Ministry of Family Welfare and Ministry of Health of India. With the motive to improve the quality of education in medical science and lay the standards of post graduate examinations in modern medicine, NBE has been established. The National Board of Examinations awards a postgraduate degree called Diplomate of National Board (DNB) to the medical science students.
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